Farmer100 live chat: Gamers should pay attention to their health

It is unwise to spend too much time and energy on games. It will bring eye disease and cervical disease, which are bad for health. Farmer100 live chat sincerely suggests you pay more attention to your health, so that you can have more pleasure on games and on farmer100 runescape.

Except eye disease, there are still some common diseases you should know.

Headache: Playing games for too long can cause tension headache or vessel headache. Although this symptoms is not common as other three, but this pain is terrible. When you stay up for online games, may often accompany by headache, even after sleeping haven’t got better, in severe cases, there will become persistent headache. It will be very difficult to cure.

Lumbar strain: Long-time work at the office of the people are most vulnerable to suffering from lumbar muscle strain, and long-time playing online games players are also no where to escape. How to prevent it? This requires people who always sitting in front of a computer should constantly transform position from bad posture to correct, activity or get up to walk, pay more attention to spinal ligaments exercise and protection.

Periarthritis: Not off-line overnight, shoulders to be laid off. People in front of computer for a long time are easy to get periarthritis, especially in summer. Because of high temperatures, people always working and living in an air-conditioned environment, neck and shoulder subjected to cold attacks can cause shoulder soft tissue hyperemia, edema, shoulder tissue contractures and so on. In that case, people always feel pain.

These symptoms also occur in long-time sitting crowd, sometimes you won’t get such diseases if you manage your game time wisely and take good care of yourself. Of course, the less time you play, the healthier you are. Come to rs farmer100 to save your gaming time!